Monday, April 12, 2010

Neti Pot for Your Spring Allergies with How-To Video

Neti pot for spring allergies saves my sinuses and quality of life.  Using a neti pot makes a major difference in my breathing during the day and when I sleep.  When sinus surgery was suggested for my allergies and sleep apnea, I decided to approach my health holistically with a neti pot and supplements.

What exactly is a neti pot?  A neti pot is a small device that resembles a teapot.  You can purchase a neti pot in your local pharmacy.  Most neti pots are plastic but some are made from ceramic. Awhile back the use of a neti pot was featured on the Dr. Oz show.

The neti pot is filled with a sterile saline solution.  My neti pot was purchased from RiteAid came with packets of saline to mix with water.  You mix up the solution in the neti pot then flush out your sinuses naturally. I use warm water with a single saline packet, fill the neti pot and get rid of the gunk!

You pour the neti pot into each nostril and the saline solution flows out the other nostril.  As the solution comes out, you will see mucous and other matter from inside your nose.  The neti pot clears out irritants and congestion so you breathe better. It eases the symptoms of my allergies and totally eliminates my sleep apnea.

The secret to using the neti pot is the angle of your head.  Use a neti pot over the sink to catch the saline solution.  Angle your head slightly to ensure the solution flows through your sinuses.  Practice with a neti pot makes perfect. Don't get discouraged because using the neti pot is worth the effort of learning.

I also take blue green algae to relieve my congestion and find it works more effectively than any prescription I've tried. This simple organism does the trick better than any over the counter decongestant or antihistamine I've used.

I hope the neti pot and blue green algae supplements help you breathe better through your spring allergies! Without meds or side effects, you can breathe freely with a neti pot.

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